Modern Educational Practices

future of education

The great American scholar, Carl Rogers once said, “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.” The world has changed a lot around us in the last couple of decades. The education sector is not an exception. Schools have strived to adopt new teaching methods to keep up with the increasing demand for more effective and cheaper teaching methods.


Many schools have implemented some of the practices outlined below to ensure that their pupils excel in their studies.

The use of audiovisual presentation equipment in the classroom

Classrooms are nowadays equipped with things such as televisions, slide projectors, voice recorders, etc. The teachers audio visual equipment in the classroomuse these items to achieve what traditional writing materials such as chalkboards and marker boards cannot. This equipment act as stimulants and allow the teacher to get the attention of all the pupils. This is mainly because these items change the environment by breaking the monotony.

The use of electronic communication and interaction methods

Teachers today can easily reach all their pupils through modern communication methods. These methods include, mass emailing, SMS, social media websites, etc. The teacher can get on a social network, assign homework to his or her pupils, and even answer any academic questions that they have. This way the teacher can monitor the pupils’ progress even during the holidays.
Teachers can also remotely conduct remedial lessons for their pupils after school hours to ensure that all pupils get adequate time to catch up whenever they fall behind in their schoolwork.

The use of electronic resources for research

modern school researchThe internet is an endless source of academic information. It contains academic materials from teachers and other pupils.
Years back, pupils relied heavily on physical visits to local libraries and archives for any kind of research information. Nowadays teachers encourage their pupils to use electronic resources such as the internet or even digital libraries in schools’ local area network for research. These methods feature options that are fast, cost less money and are easy to maneuver.

The use of virtual platforms to offer near-firsthand experiences

The evidence of the evolved modern education system can be seen in the younger generation. An average school-going child today possesses almost twice as much skill as a child in the 80s or 90s. This is all thanks to the student with tabletintroduction of systems that allow the children to gather firsthand experiences when it comes to solving real life problems. Teachers use various simulation software and selected video game to teach their pupils how to solve problems that affect ordinary people in the world. This software simulates real life situations and tests the pupil’s ability to solve problems as they arise.

The use of the mass media

A lesson that is conducted orally by the teacher will not have the same impact as one that is viewed by the pupils on a television set at the front of the classroom. This is because pupils are stimulated by what they perceive as fun. A single educator can reach millions of pupils through a broadcast television message to share ideas with them.


There is no denying that modern education has come a long way in shaping young minds. However, just how effective a method this turns out to be will depend on how well it is conducted and how well the pupils are supervised. Implementation of modern technology in the classroom is just as important. Teachers have to be trained, IT personnel have to be given the time to install the systems, all these have to work together for a successful technological upgrade in the classroom.